Language PDF

Language PDF


This is a great starter pack for kids learning about letter sounds and letter shapes. See below for details on what's actually in here!

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Here are the activities you'll find in this binder:

1. Starting letters + objects: the child is given 4 letters and 8 objects. For example, A, B, C, and D, and for each letter, there are two objects that start with that letter sound. The child will place the apple and the ant underneath the A and so on.

2. More starting letters + objects.

3. Word families: there are 4 rhyming words with simple images that go along with them. Cat, rat, bat, and hat. The first letters are missing, but there's a picture next to each "__at" and the child has to put the correct starting letter in the blanks.

4. More word families.

5. Starting letter sorting: this is similar to the first two pages. It's got 2 letters per page with 8 objects, and the child has to put the correct 4 images inside each letter box. So the "f" box should contain 4 f-words.

6. More starting letter sorting.

7. Letter matching (uppercase): I've split the alphabet into two pages with 13 letters each.

8. Letter matching (lowercase), also two pages.

9. Letter matching (cursive): I drew this font by hand, so it's how I write cursive letters, again, split into two pages.

10. Letter tracing (lowercase): these pages have small arrows inside the letters that show how to start writing each letter. These can be done with a finger or with a dry or wet erase marker. The letter tracing is broken into 3 pages.

11. Letter tracing (cursive): just like the lowercase print, this has arrows to show how to write the letters, and it's split into 3 pages.