We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.
— Maria Montessori

Fall 2017 Curriculum: MATH!

I'm not a curriculum author, but I did create lesson plans and monthly plans while I was a high school teacher. I also read through a full Montessori curriculum from HERE. It is $120 for the full 3-6 years curriculum. It's fantastic!! If you can afford that, and you plan to homeschool your kiddos the Montessori way, I would go for it. I paid an extra $50 to have it printed at this site.

Anyway I am using what I've learned to create a curriculum (rather, "curriculum") for my two kiddos for the next several months. I'm saying Fall (September through December or January), but I really don't know how long it will take me to get through these objectives. I may not hit all of them, but I figured it was a good starting place. I hope to learn a lot over the next few months so that the next time I create something like this, it's a bit more specific and focused. 

I shared this on my Snapchat account, and I wanted to type it up so people can access it easier. I have Alexander's objectives first followed by Annabelle's.



  • recognize number patterns (such as 1 3 5 7 or 2 4 6 8 or 3 6 9 12)
  • recognize other number patterns (such as 1 3 2 4 3 5 or 1 4 9 16 or 1 1 2 3 5)
  • color + shape patterns (such as red triangle, blue circle, blue triangle, red circle)
  • patterns dealing with orientation (such as up arrow, left arrow, down arrow, right arrow)
  • verbal patterns (same as the ones above but spoken instead of written)
  • sound patterns (clapping, stomping, using a drum)

COUNTING / + / - / $

  • count by 10s to 100
  • count by 100s to 1000
  • count by evens/odds to 20/21
  • count by 5s to 50
  • "what comes next?" up to 1000
  • "what comes before?" up to 1000
  • count by grouping objects (if there are 20 beads, grab two at a time and count by 2s)
  • count coins that are grouped (four quarters, for example)
  • add single digit numbers consistently
  • add two digit numbers consistently
  • add basic 3 and 4 digit numbers on paper (no carrying)
  • subtract one and two digit numbers with a positive result


  • identify these shapes: circle, square, triangle (right angle, isosceles, equilateral), oval, rectangle, diamond, parallelogram, trapezoid, star*, heart, pentagon, hexagon, octagon*, quatrefoil, pentafoil*, hexafoil*, semicircle, quartercircle*, crescent
  • draw most of those shapes (not necessarily the ones with the *)
  • identify these polyhedrons: sphere, cube, pyramid, cylinder, cone
  • shape constructions with straight and curved pieces


  • correctly use the terms longest, shortest, longer, shorter, and so on
  • properly use a kitchen scale to compare sizes
  • put red rods in order from smallest to largest (or largest to smallest)
  • extension for red rods: make a spiral
  • extension for red rods: find where a missing piece goes


  • write numbers 1-100
  • write 4 digit numbers by ear (or copy from number tablets)


  • practice putting fraction pieces into a full circle (like 6 wedges that are each 1/6)

NUMBER SENSE (understanding that 1000 is much larger than 10, for example)

  • put 100 beads in a jar
  • put 10 jars together to make 1000



  • shape/picture patterns like circle or square
  • color patterns (such as red, blue, red, blue)
  • verbal patterns (such as 1 2 1 2 1 2)
  • sound patterns (clapping, stomping)


  • count to 5
  • count to 10
  • identify 1-10 on paper
  • identify 1-10 on fingers
  • count objects up to 10


  • match basic shapes (circle to circle)
  • use finger to trace shape outlines (may be too advanced)


  • identify which circle is bigger between two circles
  • complete all knobbed cylinder blocks
  • complete larger cylinder blocks

That's all I've got for now! I'm not sure how it will all come together. There are a few things they're both already able to do, but I want to practice them and expand on them. I don't yet have actual activities, but some of them are pretty obvious. As I come up with new ideas, I'll share them here on the blog or add new objectives to this blog post.

Thanks for reading!

Farm Animals, Missing Letters Printable

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