Farm Animals, Missing Letters Printable
This is a quick little printable I made as part of our newest theme. I don't do themes or series or anything because I'm not great at keeping up with them. So I'm using the term "theme" pretty loosely here. I'd love to do a lot of learning activities and teach some objectives using the FARM as my inspiration.
Did you know.... we moved recently to a larger bit of land - it's 5 acres, which is plenty for raising a few animals and growing a lot of food. Over the next 6 months, we'll be growing and watering some different foods, moving our baby chicks to the coop, and possibly getting a cow or goat. I'd like to teach the kids about these things but also teach them other skills in the process. That's the point of this theme!
All that said, this is a printable I made for Alexander that will reinforce some letter sounds he already knows.
Click HERE for the 2-page PDF. I plan to laminate these cards, cut them out, and give him a dry erase marker to write the letters in the blanks. There's no great way to check his own mistakes. One way I can do this, though, is offer him 12 letter tiles (like Scrabble), one for each right answer. That way, he can place the tiles onto the blanks instead of writing the letters, and if he doesn't have a letter that he thinks he needs, it must be that there's a wrong answer somewhere.
Once again, click HERE for that 2-page PDF. Enjoy!