We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.
— Maria Montessori
Activity Table #2

Activity Table #2

A little while back, I shared another activity table. I realized, this is SO easy to put together and SO great for Alexander. It's almost like a review of recent skills he's been practicing. I try to include an old skill, a new skill, something he's never tried, and a few fun things that he likes. My husband made this great train table that's the perfect height and has a ton of space so I'm able to put a lot of activities going around the table.

Once I come up with new activity table ideas, I'll create a page on my blog so that all the activity table ideas are in one place. You can pick and choose things that your child is into at the moment and some things you'd like them to work on. 

In the true spirit of Montessori, your kiddo has options; he doesn't HAVE to do all the activities. He can pick whichever one he wants to do and do it as long as he wants. 

Here's the breakdown of this table (click through the slideshow to see each station and explanation):

Water Mixing to Create Colors

Water Mixing to Create Colors

Potato Stamps

Potato Stamps