We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.
— Maria Montessori

Weekly Recap 9.27.15 - 10.3.15

The Plans for the Week: We did about half! That tells me it was a little too ambitious. I'll consider that tomorrow when I come up with the next weekly plan. My husband went out of town this week, so we were on our own for 3 full days. Add to that a skin infection that knocked off our plans for 2 days, and we didn't get through all the things I wanted to.

And that's okay!

Here are some of the things we did this week, with links to the corresponding blog posts:


  1. Worked on the USA map puzzle
  2. Practiced lowercase cursive (via a matching game... see below!)
  3. Watched the lunar eclipse on the computer and went outside to find the moon (too much cloud coverage)

Letter Matching


  1. Leaf matching activity
  2. Practiced pouring water and scooping Cheerios
  3. Color matching with beads
  4. Tried matching the numbers 1-5 with quantities 1-5 << This one was not successful this week! As you can see below, I put 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 objects in 5 different bags. I wanted Alexander to identify how much objects were in each bag and then put the correct number next to the bag. Well, that didn't work at all. So I tried asking him, "How many spoons (or trains or whatever) are in this bag?" And he just wanted to open the bags and take out the objects. I think the problem is that there were too many components/goals at once. I should try scaling back and work toward this activity in the future!



  1. Worked on animal flash cards. I added more animals since the last time we played, so he enjoyed that.


We did the best we could! We read and did a lot of puzzles. We went to the grocery store and did more cooking than usual. But I was tired, he was sick, and that's when daddy was gone.


  1. New activity: Twisting Practice!

As you can see, we did a few things that were on the plan and a few things that were not. Ultimately, I need to leave a little more wiggle room in my weekly plan. But I refuse to be goal-less! We'll have plans each week that span different learning categories. And we'll do what we can, with room for extra unplanned activities!

Plans for the Week #2

Bead & Button Color Matching